Giving Circles: Supporting quality of life and care for older adults of all ages
Join our Giving Circles! Your tax-deductible donation provides lasting benefits for older adults who count on our programs.
Annual donors who give most generously to On Lok are recognized at the following levels:
Enthusiast $500+
Donors at the Enthusiast level receive the following benefits for one year:
Giving Circle Pin
On Lok cookbook, featuring delicious recipes from our staff and the seniors in our community
A subscription to, and recognition in, our newsletter
Invitation to special events
Sustainer $1,000+
Donors at the Sustainer level receive the following benefits for one year, plus all the above benefits:
Special recognition at On Lok Celebrates gala
Patron $2,500+
Donors at the Patron level receive the following benefits for one year, plus all the above benefits:
Invitation to a private reception with On Lok executives
Consistent annual donors strengthen On Lok by providing dependable, steady support, and are acknowledged through our Loyalty Circle.
We recognize donors for five, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30+ years of consecutive giving. Loyalty Circle donors receive all giving level benefits, plus:
Loyalty Circle pin denoting your number of years of consecutive giving
On Lok cookbook, featuring delicious recipes from our staff and the seniors in our community
15 years or more - invitation to a private reception with On Lok executives
For information about our Giving Circles, contact Karen Gordon, Philanthropy Officer, at 628-208-8425 or