Help support and sustain vital services for older adults
Join our Giving Circles! Your generous and dedicated support helps On Lok deliver critical services and improve the quality of life for current and future generations of older adults.
On Lok's most generous supporters who cumulatively donate $1,000 or more annually are recognized at the following levels:
Sustainer $1,000+
Patron $2,500+
Champion $5,000+
Innovator $10,000+
The Leadership Circle levels above may include a combination of benefits, such as
Recognition in On Lok publications
Invitations to special donor recognition events
The Pioneer Lifetime Circle is exclusive to donors who have demonstrated a lifetime of generosity to On Lok. Donors become members based on their cumulative giving over time, with outright gifts totaling $25,000+.
Benefits include:
Recognition in On Lok publications
Invitations to special donor recognition events
Invitations to special On Lok engagements
Lifetime giving lapel pin
This circle honors our most dedicated donors who make philanthropic gifts of any amount to On Lok year after year, without fail. Donors qualify for the Loyalty Circle upon their 10th consecutive year of giving.
Benefits include:
Recognition in On Lok publications
Loyalty lapel pin denoting years of consecutive giving
Invitations to special donor recognition events
The Legacy Circle recognizes donors who have made a lasting commitment by naming On Lok in their will or estate plan. Legacy Circle donors have the satisfaction of knowing that their gifts will help sustain compassionate, high-quality senior care in our community for generations to come.
Benefits include:
Recognition in On Lok publications
Legacy Circle lapel pin
Invitations to special donor recognition and legacy-related events
To learn more about our Giving Circles, please contact Karen Gordon, Philanthropy Officer, at or 628-208-8425.