Working as a taxi driver in San Francisco, Ed enjoyed chatting with the seniors he would regularly drive to and from On Lok 30th Street Senior Center. During these conversations, he learned about the On Lok Mission Nutrition meals program, and when he picked up seniors at the center he always made a point of asking what the dining room had served for lunch that day. He would tell his passengers that, when he retired, he would also take advantage of this ‘senior restaurant.’

Around his 70th birthday, Ed was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. He knew his diet and sedentary lifestyle were contributing to his declining health and resolved to do something about it: remembering the enthusiastic seniors from the center, he decided to check out the health promotion and meals programs they all raved about.

He began visiting the dining room daily for a nutritious, hot lunch in the company of peers. The meal was a gateway to the center’s many other offerings: social activities, physical fitness, and lifelong learning. Ed took advantage of it all: he exercised regularly in the center’s gym and attended nutrition classes to better understand how to eat wisely and manage his health conditions.

After five months, his doctor took him off the diabetes and blood pressure medications he had prescribed, remarking that such a turnaround was unheard of for a man Ed’s age. Ed gave all the credit to the healthy meals and exercise classes at the senior center. He said he would slip into all his old, poor eating habits in a matter of days if it weren’t for On Lok Mission Nutrition, which helped him stay on track with his health and wellness goals.

“I’m so grateful to have these balanced meals,” said Ed. “With On Lok Mission Nutrition, it’s reassuring to know I’m eating better and taking care of myself."