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Behind the scenes with On Lok Mission Nutrition

Category: News

For families who don’t have to worry about their next meal, spending a day with the On Lok Mission Nutrition meal program is a great way to understand the challenges faced by members of our community who are not food secure, even in a city with a high per capita personal income like San Francisco. Liz Loh thought it would be a valuable experience and at last year's On Lok Celebrates Gala, she bid for the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes, full-immersion look at our meal preparation and delivery program.

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Celebrating National Doctor’s Day

Category: News

World Journal celebrates National Doctor’s Day by interviewing On Lok physicians, Dr. Janelle Ho and Dr. Alice Mao, to learn more about their journey of becoming doctors and their work with seniors.

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Living a clown's prayer

Category: News

Firebreather, unicyclist, sword swallower, balloon artist – as a graduate of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, Coy Meza can list all these skills on his resume. But if you ask about his life’s vocation, it’s always been caregiving.

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