By Manuel Raneda, Program Manager, Volunteers

On Lok 30th Street Senior Center

In times of turmoil and uncertainty, volunteering provides a unique sanctuary where individuals can discover tranquility and purpose amidst chaos. Engaging in selfless acts of service allows us to shift our focus from personal concerns to the needs of others, creating a sense of purpose that transcends the immediate challenges at hand. The act of volunteering often brings a deep sense of fulfillment as individuals witness the positive impact we can have on the lives of others. This fulfillment, rooted in the act of giving, can be a source of tranquility, providing a reprieve from the overwhelming nature that we often see during troubled times.

Volunteering also offers a structured and meaningful way to channel the energy that we may experience from feelings of helplessness or anxiety during uncertain periods. Instead of being passive observers or recipients of circumstances, we become active contributors to positive change. This active engagement fosters a sense of control and efficacy, providing a counterbalance to the unpredictability of troubled times. By dedicating time and effort to causes larger than us, we can find a renewed sense of agency, which can be a powerful antidote to the disempowerment that often accompanies uncertainty.

In addition, volunteering creates a supportive community that can be a source of solace during troubled times. Working alongside like-minded individuals who share a commitment to making a difference builds connections and relationships that go beyond the immediate challenges we may face. This sense of community becomes a refuge, offering emotional support and a shared sense of purpose that can have a grounding effect in the midst of uncertainty. Ultimately, volunteering not only contributes to the well-being of those we serve, but also becomes a source of personal tranquility and purpose for the volunteer, allowing us to navigate troubled times with resilience and a sense of optimism.

To learn more about volunteering at On Lok, visit