Our participants and their families have chosen On Lok for care they can trust. Take time to connect with them to say thank you in a way that feels right to you. Demonstrating gratitude and appreciation is the foundation of hospitality, and it is one of the reasons our participants feel at home wherever they experience On Lok.

  • Gratitude is good medicine! According to a study by the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley:

  • Gratitude improves sleep, cardiovascular health, mood, optimism and hope.

  • Gratitude reduces fat intake, cortisol, blood pressure, inflammation and perceived stress and depression.

  • Saying “thanks” at work makes people feel happier and hearing “thanks” made them happier and more productive (by 50 percent!).

  • In general, “Thank you” from a supervisor boosts self-worth and self-efficacy; gratitude recipients become more trusting and more helpful.

  • Only 18 percent of people surveyed felt expressing gratitude made bosses seem weak; 93 percent said grateful bosses were more likely to succeed

“Thank” is the last of the five G.R.E.A.T. practices of Healthcare Hospitality that we have featured in the Voice to provide guidance and inspiration for our daily work at On Lok.

It is also the perfect opportunity to thank all of you for learning more about Healthcare Hospitality and for pursuing five-star excellence in care, services, and support for our participants and their families.

Thanks to your kind and compassionate work, we have created a culture of “Healing with Hospitality” that values our seniors, our community, and one another.